About Scuba Blue

About Scuba Blue

Scuba Blue is a Scuba Diving training centre and store situated in the South West of England. What makes us different is that we have a really strong emphasis on tailoring training to fit your needs. Whether you are just thinking about training as a new scuba diver or want to take your training to the next level we will work with you to make sure that you get exactly the training you need, delivered in the way you want it.

We also help you when you are ready to begin buying your own kit. We recognise that many people want to buy things online but the bewildering range of models and brands make this difficult for the newer diver. We can offer you a full advisory service so that when you make your purchases they are going to be right for you.  Just give us a call and we will work with you to set up the support you want and need.

Look out for our trips, both in the UK and abroad. Just come in and talk to us about your next steps in diving.

Our mission

Here at Scuba Blue our main aim is to train people to dive and to keep them diving. Once you have finished whichever course you have chosen we will support you to keep diving.



Visit the main website here


Our commitment to you

  • All our school kit is new and up to date and serviced regularly.
  • Our instructor to student ratios are very low. You will get personal attention.
  • Take your time, we will not rush you through any course.
  • We pride ourselves on making all our students and divers feel welcome and part of the team from the first time you enter the dive centre.
  • We will provide help, advice that is right for you as an individual, this is not a one size fits all dive centre.
  • We will keep you diving after you have finished your course, we LOVE taking people diving.



This website is run by Blackdown Clothing - to provide a simple online portal to order Scuba Blue Merchandise and Kit if you are looking for Scuba Training, you want to try Scuba Diving for the first time - or you want to know more about Scuba Blue's range of PADI courses - visit the main website at https://www.scubablue.com


Visit the main website here
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